Thursday, January 1, 2009

say hello to 2009!

Happy New Year everyone!!!

new year new day new resolution.. new YOU! :D

last year was a very different year for those just started to enter college or Uni, including myself.. some of us actually leave our hometown to other states to continue our studies... everything was new, new friends, new environment, new room.. hahaha.. new life style..

i believe that ONE thing which everyone had learnt is to be more indenpendent unlike when our parents were beside us all the time, everything was well-prepapred!!!

i really miss those time.. but what to do.. look forwards but no backwards.. haha 


double rainbows.. hehehe...

i saw these last week after the heavy rain for several days...


the weather of yesterday morning was super duper hot.. i thought whole day will be sunny as i pray really hard for a sunny day. lol

view from soho... fireworks at stadium i think..


actually on the way back we saw fireworks come from Jalan Hamzah there.. it was already 1am.. haha.. hey using Thailand time. lol. 

one funny thing.. pui ing was like.. 你们看,可能是michelle家放的哦!hahaha..

then we purposely turn to there to check them out.. it was actually at Mamak Spicy.. by the time when we arrived right infront.. boom! habis jor.. camera also tak sempat on yet.. hahaha..


  1. Hahahahahahahahahaha!!! Ing is so funny.Eeewwww` i saw it,too :p

  2. haha.. yea.. :Dthis holidays didnt manage to meet u up leh... cny that time must come out ya?! hehe.. take care :)
